5 Ways To Become A Calmer You 

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Processed with VSCO with c7 preset

At any given moment or situation, I truly believe that we have the power in our hands to live a calmer everyday life. Mind you it is easier said than done. Like most things, this will need practice and some serious self-reflection.

I've tried so many methods and wittled it down to the below 5 that really have made a huge difference in bringing unadulterated calmness amongst the chaos.

  • Acknowledge, Accept & Address 

The mantra I will forever swear by. A three step process that has helped me through many challenges. Being real with myself was one of the hardest things to get used to. But I had to snap out of it if I wanted to figure anything out. I learnt not to fear the situations of everyday and waste energy fighting it. I just had to straight up accept it, check in with myself and come up with a logical solution. It's taught me to be patient, grateful and resilient.

Sometimes it felt like the toughest decision to make, almost a thought of judging myself or pointing out a flaw. But to me, it was an awareness and a will to change something for the better.

  • Eat Well- Good Food, Good Mood

Food makes everything better doesn't it? But wait one second though! Don't go and grab that microwave meal or stuff yourself with junk food.

I'm talking about mind elevating food. Add as much colour to your food and make your plate happy. Start your day with a good green juice, a smoothie of your choice or even a big bowl of yummy porridge or a fresh fruit salad. Bust out some spinach. This is getting me excited already.

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

For me, food is one of the most important stress busters for sure. And makes magic all the time. When you eat well, you feel well too.

  • Write A Journal

Oh gosh, this one I get made fun of even now. I've been writing a journal since I was 14 years old. I turn 34 soon and journaling is still going strong.

Why do I do it? It's simple, it helps me grow as a person. It's my little personal space to confront internal challenges and articulate my feelings. It's one of my coping mechanisms too.


It's kept me in check and shown me a pattern of how I work. I'm a scatter brain, straight up so spending a few moments writing in my journal helps me focus on the positive side of things. It took a while to get into the habit but writing about my goals and feelings just brought me closer to achieving them. One of my favourite tools to keep me a happier and calmer person.

  • Reduce Your Social Media Time

The communication tool that throws information at us at all times and hours of the day. We are all truly guilty of checking our social media platforms as soon as our eyes open up in the morning. It's what my husband calls "Consuming" instead of Creating. I get it, it's so much more easier scrolling the gram in the morning sometimes but really it aint productive. I caught myself comparing life with everyone else's and uhh what is that?! I mean who was I when I did that? I'll tell you who. I was this neurotic anxious person who was reacting. It was slowly stealing both my time and happiness. It wasnt fun anymore and when my gut tells me something, I'm 105% listening to her.

Don't get me wrong, I still am active on social media but I have a mindful schedule for it if that makes sense. There are rules.

There is a No Phone Rule during meal times and when we are spending time with our favourite people. It usually goes on Airplane Mode too.

I do the same when it comes to promoting a recipe, a youtube video or a blog post. Once I have posted , it is not necessary to constantly check the views or subscriptions etc. Or atleast that is what I think anyway.

Alls' I'm trying to say is find an alternative to browsing and scrolling. For me a good nature trail and hike with the kid does wonders.

  • Workout A Fitness Schedule 

It will always always be one of my best friends and guide to staying relaxed. You might wonder, how on earth will doing 3 sets of 10 burpees keep me relaxed? Just dont htink about it. The more you think about the actualy schedule, the more you have time to complain about it.



The feeling after a good workout is life changing. Find a routine that makes you feel at peace. If it's brisk walks, running, going to the gym or a swim. Make it fun and love that moment truly.

For me its Yoga and a good HIIT session. Remember, just be patient with yourself.

Don't hurry. Check in with yourself and breathe.

I hope you all enjoyed this little piece. I would love to know what helps you guys stay calm! Share the deets babes.

Lots of love