Posts tagged Food Diary
I Cook Because I Care

Cooking is so many things to so many people. For me and us as a family, cooking meals at home is team work and a way of creating meals together. And of course the whole self care element of the process as well.

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Vegan Jollof Rice

Namaskaaram Everyone Wow, What a January its been? Let's take a moment to welcome February with open arms for all its adventures, challenges and epic moments.

I'm so excited for this month and all the dishes I have planned too. But can I just say, I am so over this weather though. It's been absolutely miserable and trying to be enthusiastic sometimes is effort ha ha. Real talk.

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#Veganuary Beetroot Aviyal

Namaskaaram, Today needed a soulful bowl of Madras Aviyal. This morning has been extremely crispy with -2C and wild wind in the air. It was too cold to do anything but run everywhere. So I ran to the local green grocers, picked up some carrots and beets for the munch.

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#Veganuary Triple Chocolate Oat Mousse

The night before, I had a massive kitchen clear out and took inventory of all the ingredients I have in my pantry. Yes, I actually do this and MAKE TIME to do it. It helps me work with what I have and create recipes as well. Documenting things is probably one of my favourite activities in LIFE and helps me along the journey of how far I have come too.

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